Have you ever wondered about secrets of success? Has it ever occurred to you that something is missing in your effort to be successful? Are you living the life that you want to live? Do you feel energetic and alive all the time? Are you passionate about what you do? Do you face each day with expectation and excitement?Do these questions make you uncomfortable? Well, my purpose is to shake you out of your complacence and urge you to move to the next level.Why is it that so few of us get to be "successful" ? Being successful takes learning some skills that are present in other successful people. These skills are not necessarily taught in our schools and colleges. That is why formal education often leave us unskilled in these essential areas. Are you willing to invest some time in learning these skills to stay ahead. There are five character traits that finally determine the chances of your being successful. Some of these distinct traits may be already present in you, while you may need to learn develop others. Let us first examine these "Success Sutras".
* Discipline : We know that hard work is the key to success but hard work without discipline is of no use. Discipline makes you to set goals.It helps you to manage your time and maintain an overall balance in your life.
* Passion : It is more than just hard work that lets you taste success. I agree life does come on hard at us sometimes. It is our passion for what we do that makes us sail through these difficult times. Whatever it is that you do, unless you do it to the best of your capability, it is not enough. Passion is the driving force that makes put in you best effort.
* Risk : Risk is that ability which makes you step out of your comfort zone. It is an ability that is valued very highly as a leadership trait. Your willingness to take risks gets your adrenaline pumping, and helps you to move ahead.
* Optimism : Your self-esteem,self-image and confidence come from your optimism. A positive outlook is precursor of the success. If you are optimistic, you are always a pleasure to be around.
* Interpersonal skills : You must understand that relationships are fundamental to overall success. That includes personal relationships and your individual ability to deal with people. Factors like negotiating, selling your ideas, and public speaking are all necessary for ultimate sucess. Don't always stay in the background. Know when to speak, and when to listen. Be confident of your abilities but don't try to put others down.


    On June 11, 2008 at 11:50 AM Anonymous said...

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